Friday, December 17, 2010

Bus Adventures, December 17th, 2010

Today on the bus there was this guy who had the COOLEST winter hat with triangles on it. Very draw-worthy.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This is the tree man

He resulted from a teensy bit of late night doodle-sketching.
M helped me pick out the colors in the tree.

(It felt fabulous drawing with markers, by the way.)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

2 Things:

1) I went to see "Tangled" yesterday with M. We went to a matinee and shared Red Vines and it was so wonderful. It had been FOREVER since we had actually seen a movie in a movie theater, so it was an extra treat. And BONUS, the movie was FANTASTIC! I absolutely LOVED the entire thing! I want to go back and watch it again. It was beautiful, hilarious, romantic, musical, but not over the top and gaggy like some unmentionable animated films are. If you haven't seen it, make a decision to go soon. It's totally worth it. Five stars.

2) I like my outfit today. I took a picture.

That's all for now. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

flowers and tears

I taught M how to make a flower pin!

Pardon my messy hair and disgusting face, which I am trying to hide behind this flower pin. I had just recovered from a VERY tear-jerky movie called "Still, Lovely" that M and I watched on Netflix this evening.  I was a total nerd and had cried a BUNCH. Thus the lack of eye make up, the blotchiness, and the messy hair which was from the hug I needed from M when the tears wouldn't stop.

I get so embarrassed when I cry watching a movie. It's just a MOVIE. (But it was sad!)

A Happy List

• 3 delicious flavors of hot chocolate and cider in the cabinet
• A sound sleep, in the present time zone
• Coming back to my closet. I always miss my clothes. Is that weird?
• The way M got into the habit of putting dishes in the dishwasher while I was away
• My giant purple purse
• Dr. Seuss' holiday appearance every night (practically) on TV during the holiday season
• A picture text message of the gallery cat with the scarf I gave my co-worker for her birthday wrapped around said-cat's neck.
• Twinkle lights on our window
• The girl I sat near on the plane ride home had the COOLEST backpack with an embroidered tree and button leaves on the back flap. 
• She also had pretty hands
• Listening to my niece's ipod on the plane trip home and how I almost lost it when the "shuffle songs" mode led me to Weird Al's "White and Nerdy." Such a funny song.
• Catching up with D before he left for a quick trip home, then off to South America!
• The Salcido painting he left us to babysit while he's away
• The fact that he trusts us with his condo key and the passing of our phone numbers to his emergency contact
• Setting a deadline for myself to help get a friend's project complete that I have let slide to the back burner for a bit longer than I intended. 
• Thinking about how much of a dork I was in junior high and high school. I know I'm still pretty dorky now, but at least I can laugh at myself about it! 
• Eating cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes, and broccoli
• Listening to my body tell me to relax. Being able to relax and feel able to focus and handle my day with grace and ease.
• Acting like a kid with my nieces and nephews on my holiday venture home
• The way we hid Christmas ornaments at my mom's house when we were decorating the tree. We decided there were far too many ornaments for such a tiny tree (but the gaudy, crowded trees are the best kind!) and we wanted to see how long it takes for her to notice the ornaments, in all the different hiding spots!
• Catching up with both of my sisters, all three of us enjoying each other's company, talking, and being a family together. It felt so good, even if I was sick.
• Wonder Woman on the folder where I hold my student loan bill I must pay every month. Wonder Woman somehow makes it easier to dish out the dollars each month, and I thank her for that.
• The lessons I have learned, and continue to learn each and every day of my life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh what a rug!

Listening to the record player. 

I'm back!

Well, I'm back home again! M had yesterday off to pick me up from the airport, and I was VERY grateful. Waiting in an airport makes me feel lonely! But I didn't have to wait at all. So yay! Mo seems to remember me and today while I was unpacking my suitcase, he decided he never wants me to leave again, and told me so by laying on top of my suitcase in complete and utter protest.

Yes, it's blurry. I had to move quickly because he was only looking at me briefly. My hands shook!

I am weather adjusting slowly, I think. I went from 50 degree weather into the winter wonderland of the mountains. It's COLD! But I am snuggly by the fire, thank goodness.

This is Jodi on a camel. She has a blog about her life in India, where she has been living temporarily with her husband while he's on work leave there.